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About Me

Like many of the farmers who will read this, I grew up in a small farming town. To this day I smell cow manure and think of home. I have a lot of great memories from farms or dairies, and I want to share experiences like that with as many people as possible. Many generations of my family were farmers and even the people in my family who have tried to escape a life of farming end up doing white collar work for a farmer. There is something so rewarding about producing the food for the world that makes the lifestyle inescapable. I want to guarantee that many more generations get to share all of the great experiences farming produces, but that is only possible if a change is made to the way we farm.  


This is a photo of my family farming while still in Russia back during the 1800s!

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Back when I was younger, me and my friends go to hangout spot was a dairy down the street. We would feel like cow whisperers when they would surround us. Enjoy this picture I snapped of one of the cows there!


George Scheidt and his wife were the first generation of my family who immigrated here from Russia. Here George is pictured on his grape farm, which stayed in the family for several generations!

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